
Born and raised in Southampton, Hesper Leveret studied Ancient History at Oxford and now lives in Liverpool with her family and chronic pain. She writes speculative fiction about beauty and heartbreak, magic and imagined mythology. Her stories appear in venues including Fireside, Interzone, Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores, and Luna Station Quarterly. Her interests include reading books and escaping rooms.


Hesper Leveret writes speculative fiction about beauty and heartbreak, magic and imagined mythology. She was born and raised in Southampton, then read Ancient & Modern History at Balliol College, Oxford. She has done a variety of jobs including SEO writing, project management, procurement, writing questions for TV quiz shows such as Mastermind and The Weakest Link, and selling books in Waterstone’s.

She lived for several years in Derby, where she enjoyed exploring the Peak District but missed living near the sea. She is now based in Liverpool, UK, where she lives with her rock-climbing husband, two young sons, and chronic pain. Her stories appear in venues including Fireside, Interzone, Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores, and Luna Station Quarterly. From 2020 to 2023 she was a slush reader for Apex Magazine, and in September 2022 she had the great pleasure of accepting the British Fantasy Society Award for Best Magazine on behalf of the Apex Editors.

Her interests include visiting museums and historical properties, reading books, baking cakes, scrapbooking, board games, jigsaws, and escaping rooms.