Happy New Year everyone! Here’s to staying alive in ‘twenty five. Other than surviving until 31st December, my aim for this year is to finish the first draft of my…
As you may have noticed, it’s now November, the time of year many writers have traditionally referred to as National Novel Writing Month. NaNoWriMo is an annual challenge in which…
I was recently at WorldCon, where I talked about unicorns with Peter S Beagle, fangirled over Mary Robinette Kowal reading us an excerpt from a secret new project, and went…
Or, How Writing Short Can Help You Write Good. In my first blog post about short stories, I explored how I overcame my own reservations and learned to love short…
As summer starts turning to autumn and students start heading back to school, it seems like a good time to think about the appeal of dark academia... I recently read…
In which I reflect on my personal writer’s scorecard and what lessons I have learned. My writer’s scorecard: Years since first publication: 2 Number of accepted/published stories: 6 Number of…
This piece of writing is certified 100% the product of an organic human mind, free of any aid from artificial intelligence. You can tell because it was supposed to be…
Happy new year everyone! I'm wishing everyone a nice, boring, uneventful twelve months. May we all live in less interesting times. This is, of course, the time of year when…
I'm in the process of starting to write a new novel. Which is exciting, and also nerve-wracking, because I haven't written a new novel in several years. After my previous…